Disolution of football group marked

Mayor Williams, Gwen Fox and Cr Rutherford.

Football Rockhampton’s committee and affiliated club members were guests of honor at a special afternoon tea at City Hall late last month.

The event was held in recognition of the group’s long service to the region’s football community before they dissolved late last year.

Mayor Tony Williams said their 100-year history in the region cements them as one of the most important sporting associations to have spanned across generations.

“Rockhampton Football Association moved to Norbridge Park in 1976 to host their junior fixtures, with The Club House officially opened in 1978 by the Honourable Mayor Rex Pilbeam,” Mayor Williams said.

“Norbridge Park became the major host field for all local club teams and held many a state championship and representative carnivals.

“The contribution Football Rockhampton has made to our sporting community is one that will go down in history, and we wish to thank each and every one of their committee members.”

Parks Sports and Public Spaces Councillor Cherie Rutherford said Football Rockhampton have consistently provided our region with a home for football that clubs and the community are proud of.

“It is bittersweet that we farewell Football Rockhampton and we know that their decision to dissolve in December 2021 was not an easy one to make,” Cr Rutherford said.

“Their focus around their love for the game and its players has been unwavering, and their impact on the sporting community is a testament to this.

“While Football Rockhampton’s decision did not come lightly, their ability to recognise the need for change in order to grow the sport in this region is commendable.”

Football Rockhampton Association Life Member Gwen Fox thanked Council for their support.

“Football Rockhampton Association would like to thank the Rockhampton Regional Council for their support and loyalty given to the Rockhampton Association over the many years we have held the lease and licence of Norbridge Park,” Ms Fox said.

“I would also like to pay tribute to the Association’s Management Committees, Life Members and to the many, many tireless workers who volunteered their time to help make the Rockhampton Association the wonderful organisation it has been over 50 and beyond years.”

Since January 2022, Football Queensland have successfully taken responsibility of Norbridge Park and in July, secured Council approval for the Freehold Lease.

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