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New bank brand for Maroochydore

Queensland Country Bank’ is set to open a new branch will open in Maroochydore in April, a move that defies industry trends of branch...

Thank goodness for gardens

Residents at a Buderim aged care home have been busy transforming outdoor spaces into what they call their ‘Goodness Garden’, growing their own fruit,...

Part of the community

Hello and welcome to Sunshine Coast Ophthalmologists, or, SCO as we are more commonly known as. We understand that eye appointments and procedures are scary...

A decade of song

Nambour Community Choir, SingSpire Chorus are celebrating their 10th Birthday with a concert, 'A Decade of Song’ on Saturday, 22 March at 2pm at...

Tweed Seniors Festival 2025: time to shine

Tweed Shire's older residents are set to take centre stage as the 2025 Tweed Seniors Festival kicks off from 3–16 March. This year’s festival features...

Sunset shows for John Williamson

The Outback Music Festival Group have announced a second John Williamson Big Red Sunset Concert, with the iconic singer songwriter now set to perform...

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

The value of war memorial and community halls in Australia can never be under-estimated. They have seen young men and women march off to war,...

Breast Screening on summer “to do” list

BreastScreen Queensland is urging women to add booking a breast screen appointment to their summer “to do” list, so it’s not forgotten among the...

The biggest gift you can give your friends and family

At Cotton Tree Audiology we know that the gift of hearing never loses its value. This often most noticeable when we gather around the...

Elder abuse in the spotlight

Elder abuse is in the spotlight with the Queensland Parliament’s Education, Arts and Communities Committee calling for submissions for its inquiry. Committee Chair and Member...

Keeping your friends close

Keeping your friends close and staying in good health are the keys to ageing well for Sunshine Coast centenarians Joy Collier and Lorraine Hodgson....

Community spirit alive and well

In the heart of the Sunshine Coast, where community spirit and neighbourly support have always been cherished values, Fundraising by ClubDraws is making a...

New bank brand for Maroochydore

Queensland Country Bank’ is set to open a new branch will open in Maroochydore in April, a move that defies industry trends of branch...

A decade of song