Preparing to light up the night

Bring out the tinsel and untangle the lights!

It’s time to dust the decorations, untangle the tinsel and lights and set up the Christmas display for Mount Morgan Promotion and Development’s Inc (MMPAD) Christmas Lights Competition.

MMPAD is again sponsoring a first, second and third place prizes in residential and commercial categories with entries being judged on such criteria as overall appeal, innovation, imagination and use of Christmas themed icons such as stars, nativity and Santa.

Residents and businesses will have until 13 December to nominate for the Lights Competition. Judging will take place on Wednesday, 14 December from 7 pm and winners announced on Friday, 16 December 2022 at the Mount Morgan Twilight Christmas Concert.

Nomination forms will be printed in the Mount Morgan Argus, posted on Facebook or will be available at the Mount Morgan Visitor Information Centre (Railway Station) or by emailing

There are two categories – Residential and Commercial with prizes being the same for each category – $150 (first), $100 (second) and $50 (third).

MMPAD committee urges the residents and businesses to participate in this annual event.

MMPAD President, Mr John Steinberger said it would be wonderful to see “The Mount” lit up with Christmas lights.

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