Welcome home to new gallery

Ben Quilty (b. 1973), The Evo project, Sheep Wash Road 2012, oil on canvas. Purchased with funds from Rockhampton Art Gallery Trust, the Kele family and public donations 2012. Rockhampton Museum. © Courtesy of the artist and Jan Murphy Gallery, Brisbane.

The new Rockhampton Museum of Art has opened with one of its first exhibitions titled ‘Welcome Home’.

Mayor Tony Williams said he is excited to see the exquisite artwork on display in the museum.

“This exhibition, which is one of three that will open the new Rockhampton Museum of Art, celebrates our rich and vibrant collection,” Mayor Williams said.

“We are proud to display our collection and officially welcome it to its new home.

“The collection has been unable to be displayed due to limited room in the previous museum, but that is no longer the case, with the new museum having the capacity to display the collection permanently.

“The exhibition is drawn from Rockhampton Museum of Art’s diverse and nationally significant collection of artworks. It includes recent acquisitions from 67 artists, and the collection highlights 75 artworks.

“The Welcome Home exhibition will open in conjunction with the official opening of the RMOA, will be free to view and is on display in gallery one from the 25th of February to 30th of October 2022.”

Communities and Heritage Councillor Drew Wickerson said the Rockhampton Museum of Art is a place to come home to.

“Placed alongside Tunuba (Fitzroy River), with Nurim (Mount Archer) in the distance, these landmarks shape Darumbal Country which our museum stands on today,” Cr Wickerson said.

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