Probus part of the social fabric

Trip to Cinema Works at Kenilworth.

The Probus Club movement was formed in the United Kingdom in 1965 and started in Australia with the formation of a club at Hunters Hill in Sydney in 1976, 45 years ago. As of March 2020, there were around 106,500 members in 1541 clubs throughout Australia.

Membership is based on retired or semiretired people looking for friendship and fun.

Probus Sunshine Coast South Regional Liaison Officer Geoff Leddy said the motto of Probus in Australia is “Fun, Fellowship and Friendship” and activities are focussed on those outcomes. Probus Clubs are prohibited from undertaking fund-raising.

“Here on the Sunshine Coast, Probus boasts 21 clubs from Noosa down to the Glasshouse Mountains area and several hinterland towns with total membership of about 1600 men and women,” he explained.

“The typical age group ranges from the sixties to the nineties and great, long-lasting friendships are made while members enjoy just about any activity you can name. “There are trips to the theatres, locally, and in Brisbane, bus-trips to many places, bowls, golf, tennis, croquet and play cards and board games, darts, lots of dining and wine appreciation.

“Many clubs do trips away in vans and also staying at motels. Some clubs do trips overseas when that is available but at least they can currently do trips to places such as Norfolk Island and Lord Howe Island.”

He said during 2020, Covid 19 had a limiting effect on what members could do, particularly in the first half of the year as many meeting venues had to close.

“However, as the year wore on, these seniors became very conversant with modern technology and held meetings and activities by Zoom or other electronic means and stayed in touch via telephones, facetime etc,” he said.

“A lot of clubs have started to meet again with Covid Safe practices in 2021.”

If you’d like more information, contact Geoff Leddy on 0400 840 100.


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