Travel the Easy Way


 With cruises curtailed, international flights off the agenda and tour packages postponed, there’s only one way to travel – and coach tours are on a roll.

Fortunately, according to Paul Brockhurst of CT Travel, it’s no longer about bumping along on a bus. He said passengers could now sit back, stretch out and relax in comfort and safety on a modern luxury coach with big windows that open up to the panorama of the passing parade.

“We recently had a guest who said he hadn’t realised what he was missing,” Paul said.

“He said that while his wife had been admiring the countryside, as the driver, he had spent most of the trip with his eyes glued to the road. He was delighted to be able to relax and enjoy the ride.”

And with the current travel restrictions in place, it’s a great way to get out and see the country without stress or having to worry about where to spend the night.

Everything is organised as part of the value-packed coach tour itinerary – accommodation, meals, attractions, admissions and, best of all, local connections who can introduce travellers to their part of the world.

Paul, who has been in the coach tour industry for 25 years, said coach tours had come into their own for travellers who wanted to explore without the hassle of organising details, finding the best that locations had to offer, doing the hard slog of driving and then chasing up local tours.

“This is a way to really enjoy the adventure as well as the trip,” Paul said. “It is surprising how many people are surprised that an Outback trip, for example, isn’t just miles of the road disappearing into the horizon. Once they have the chance to sit back and actually look at the landscape, they are well rewarded.

“This isn’t just drive and look but being part of an adventure.”

Coach travellers also have a chance for a chat and to meet fellow travellers who generally share the same ideals of wanting to get out and about the easy way. It’s a much more companionable way to travel.

But one of the highlights is having an immediate connection with locals and getting the lowdown from those who know.

“We always use local guides where we can as these are the people who really know their area and can introduce visitors to the sometimes less well-known features of a destination,” Paul said.

“They usually have a good yarn to tell and give guests a local experience where they can really feel part of the adventure and not be someone just passing through and ticking a box on the map.”

Whether it’s a short escape to the Gold Coast hinterland, or a longer journey into the Outback, North Queensland, or even Lightning Ridge it’s an opportunity to see it all the easy way.

“We value friendship, community and personal, quality experiences,” Paul said.

“Our Australian coach tours offer extraordinary experiences from warm sandy beaches and blue skies to scorched red earth and beautiful outback landscapes. All guests have to do is relax and enjoy.”

A complete list of tours and itineraries is available on the CT Travel website

Bespoke tours can also be planned for groups, clubs and organisations who want to set off adventuring together.

Visit or phone 07 539 11 648

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