More access to free breast screening for local women


One in seven women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85. Breast cancer risk increases with age, with about 80 per cent of breast cancers occurring in women over 50.

Breast screening aims to find breast cancers that are very small, when they are easier to treat. Finding breast cancer early can increase treatment options and save lives.

BreastScreen Queensland provides free screening and assessment services to ensure women have the best possible outcome following a breast cancer diagnosis.

Local services are now available in more locations including at Helensvale, Robina, Southport, West Burleigh, and various short-term mobile clinics.

Screening mammograms are most effective for women aged between 50 and 74, who are recommended to attend every two years. Local women are being urged to attend regular breast screening, which offers many benefits.

Around 5 in every 100 women attending BreastScreen Queensland services will be asked to return for follow-up tests. Most women attending their breast screen will be advised that there are no signs of breast cancer.

While breast screening offers some peace of mind, it’s important for all women to be breast aware, even if attending regular screens. Breast cancer can develop in between visits and there is a very small chance a breast cancer won’t be found at the time of screening.

There are different benefits and risks of screening depending on a woman’s age and individual circumstances. Women are eligible to attend a free breast screen from age 40.

Women in their forties or 75 or older are encouraged to talk with their doctor to help them decide if breast screening is right for them. More information on screening benefit and risk is available on the BreastScreen Queensland website.

A breast screen appointment can be booked online at or by phoning 13 20 50.

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