Mobilty project to change travel habits

Bevan Kearsley, Kay MacLean, Mayor Mark Jamieson, Dane Cross, and Cr David Law.

A revolutionary pilot project focused on inclusivity and mobility will change the way the community travels across some popular areas of the Sunshine Coast.

Using modern mapping-technology, wheelchairs have been turned into mapping tools with specially trained local “pilots” and GPS devices installed to track routes from Maroochydore to Mooloolaba.

Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said he was pleased council partnered with Briometrix and Spinal Life Australia to undertake the project – both leading providers of technology solutions for people with disabilities.

“This pilot program combines the lived experience of Bevan Kearsley, Dane Cross, Lachy Chapman and Kay MacLean with Briometrix’s innovative technology which collects information about our footpath conditions, access to public transport and parking, amenities, boardwalks, beach accesses and more.”

This innovative pilot project moves away from dated paper-based accessibility maps and when live on council’s website will provide instant, interactive, sustainable and high-tech navigational maps for everyone in our community.

Mobility chief pilot Bevan Kearsley said since 2019 Briometrix has been using wheelchair pilots because it’s the most sensitive mode of transport when it comes to navigating footpaths and allows us to measure the easier routes to take.

“For the course of this program, GPS tracking devices are installed on our wheelchairs. Kay is using an electric wheelchair measuring the efforts of the streets like the inclines and slopes.

“Dane and I are using the iPads and video cameras to map and mark the structures, curb ramps, crossings and trip hazards.”

Briometrix CEO Natalie Verdon said the data provides insights that are not otherwise visible to council’s planning professionals.

“More importantly, our online maps ensure that no matter what age, ability or mobility, everyone has the opportunity to enjoy all that the beautiful Sunshine Coast has to offer.”

Sunshine Coast Council will join other local governments and transport authorities across Australia including Brisbane, Townsville, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, Wollongong, Sydney, Melbourne and Public Transport Victoria in deploying Briometrix Mobility Maps.

The data is anticipated to go live on Council’s website late-April.

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