Library hours change

Library hours to extend.

Residents now have even more time to access their local library with Sunshine Coast Council extending weekday opening hours from Monday March 14.

Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said council knows how much residents love visiting the library and making use of this great resource.

“Our libraries have adapted to the changing times over the last two years and, despite restricted hours and lockdowns due to COVID-19, our Sunshine Coast Libraries have still seen more than 1.5 million visitors through their doors and more than 36,000 people join the library service during that time,” Cr Law said.

“Extending the library opening hours will help us remain responsive to the community’s needs as COVID-19 restrictions are eased and people again fall in love with their local library.

“We have taken an individual approach to the opening hours at each library. Some are staying open 30 minutes later, others are opening 30 minutes earlier and a number are staying open until 6pm one or two nights a week.

“Council is committed to ensuring our libraries continue to provide services that are interesting, relevant and that strengthen our community’s resilience.

“The amended weekday opening hours will maximise community access and usage and draw people back to our library spaces.

“If you’re not already a member, I encourage you to sign up for a free membership and enjoy all the wonderful services our libraries provide.”

New weekday opening hours from March 14:

Branch Monday to Friday

Beerwah 9am – 5.30pm

Caloundra 8.30am – 5pm (open until 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday)

Coolum 9am – 5.30pm (open until 6pm on Tuesday)

Kawana 9am – 5.30pm

Kenilworth 2-5pm Monday and Tuesday, 9am-12pm Wednesday and Thursday, 10am-3pm Friday

Maleny 8.30am – 5pm

Maroochydore 9am – to 5.30pm (open until 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday)

Nambour 9am – to 5.30pm (open until 6pm on Tuesday and Thursday)

Saturday opening hours remain the same: Beerwah, Caloundra, and Coolum 9am-3pm; Kawana and Nambour 9am-1pm; and Maleny and Kenilworth 9am to midday.

To view all the new opening hours, visit the library website

To stay up-to-date on library news, subscribe to the library eNewsletter and follow Sunshine Coast Libraries on Facebook

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