A drive to succeed


From pie drives to trivia nights, a small group of women who run the Mater Private Hospital Redland Auxiliary are proving that age is no barrier when it comes to raising much-needed funds for the hospital.

The group has raised more than $130,000 providing items such as patient chairs for a new oncology unit, a treadmill for the rehabilitation unit, and overnight chairs and beds for palliative care patients to have loved ones stay overnight.

But Auxiliary volunteer Kerrin Kelly said they need a fresh injection of energy and ideas.

“It would be beneficial for some younger people to join our committee to help organise an event, spread the word or attend events with friends,” Mrs Kelly said.

The Cleveland grandmother started volunteering for Mater Private Hospital Redland five years ago after connecting with Neith Rainbow, the president of the Auxiliary.

Following the loss of both their husbands in the same year, Mrs Kelly and Mrs Rainbow formed a connection.

“We went through the same sort of things and Neith invited me to the group, and I haven’t looked back,” Mrs Kelly said.

Mrs Rainbow, of Carina, has been an Auxiliary volunteer for eight years and said the staff at Mater Redland were like family to her.

She said the group of eight volunteers were a “force to be reckoned with”.

“Over a period of time we raised more than $130,000 to help different parts of the hospital,” she said.

“We know the younger generation are busy and it’s hard to get them on board, but it all comes down to patient care. One day one of their family members might need care in the hospital.”

With the oldest member of the Auxiliary in her 80s, Mrs Kelly said they recent National Volunteer Week (16-22 May) had been an ideal time to shine a spotlight on the value of volunteering for a cause.

She said their annual fundraising events included a pie drive, trivia night, fashion parade and Christmas market.

Auxiliary meetings are held on a Friday once a month at 9.30am. Email Neith Rainbow at Evansabove17@gmail.com for more information.

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