Disability Expo on again


The Regional Disability Expo is on again on 8 September at Golden Beach.

People living with a disability in regional areas and their carers constantly struggle to find the same resources as those who live in larger cities.

Often it’s down to not knowing what local services and support is available to them, leaving them going without or unnecessarily travelling long distances to metropolitan areas.

There are often more resources available to them than they realise.

They just have to know where to look!

When her two disabled children – Jake, with Spina Bifida, and Ryan, with multiple conditions including high-functioning Autism – were younger, Queensland mum, Sharon Fulwood struggled to navigate the disability industry and find the much-needed support her children needed.

Now, armed with countless years of insight and knowledge, Sharon is dedicating her time so that other regional parents can easily find the support they desperately need by organising RDE – Regional Disability Expo.

Sharon, an events manager, started RDE – Regional Disability Expo to bring the disability community together to celebrate, empower, learn, share and experience the latest technologies available to people living with a disability and their carers.

Along with ample exhibits, visitors will be able to attend a variety of FREE workshops.

The disability community in the Townsville region will finally be able to access all available services under one roof without having to travel long distances.

“We have a full and fun day planned” Sharon said.

“We have a wide range of services and suppliers for people in the disability sector. Wheelchairs, sports and fitness, speech aids, NDIS services and health services for young and old.”

Visit https://lte.eventsair.com/2021-rde-expos/2021 attend to register free attendance for the event. Sunshine Coast RDE- Regional Disability Expo date and venue for 2022: Thursday 8 September 2022 – Caloundra Indoor Stadium – North St Golden Beach.

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