Major milestone for mallet club

The Rockhampton Mallet Sports Club is celebrating its 50th Anniversary at their current location.

Club secretary Lynne Farry said they will celebrate their milestone of 50 years at the Rockhampton Botanical Garden Precinct, later this year.

The club is a local institution with something for everyone according to Lynne.

“We play four disciplines of Mallet Sport, Association Croquet, Ricochet, Golf Croquet and Gateball,” she explained.

“We are only a small Club with 23, players with ages ranging from forties through to ninety.

“Association is the oldest croquet, when the ladies wore long white dresses and lovely big sunshade hats. These days most clubs have their own special uniforms.

“Golf crochet was next introduced, and then Ricochet. Gateball was started here in 2003, but has been played in Japan for much longer.

“Gateball games are played for 30 minutes, with Teams of five, Triples, Doubles, and Singles.

“Once your number is called you have 10 seconds to take your shot. Where Association Croquet can be up to 2.5 hours to score up to 26 points.

“They are all skilful games with lots of tactics involved. Ricochet is similar to Association with players getting more than I turn if they can manage to roquet someone else’s ball.”

The Mallet Sports Club welcomes new players, and visitors wanting to have a go are most welcome as well.

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