Bushfire Building Conference

The 8th Australian Bushfire Building Conference is bringing industry leaders from across Australia together to build partnerships for change and bring stronger innovation to urban planning and bushfire management.

Returning to an in-person setting after two years of virtual events, the conference is focused on collaboration across the sector to discuss and solve problems around bushfire control measures, regulations, planning, design, construction, resilience and recovery, and material innovation. The conference will also be held online providing a virtual option for those who wish to attend but are unable to in-person.

This year’s theme of ‘Building Partnerships for Change’ will be explored across a two-day program featuring renowned national speakers on topics related to collaboration and innovation across the sector. Bringing thought-leaders and industry professionals together in one space to discuss research, case studies and best practices for building in bushfire prone areas will see the event leverage its industry community for improved outcomes in the way bushfires are managed, planned for and recovered from.

The 8th Australian Bushfire Building Conference, presented by Blue Mountains Economic Enterprise (BMEE) in partnership with Blue Mountains City Council (BMCC), is Australia’s premier event for professionals involved in the planning, designing, building, consulting, regulating, and certifying buildings in bushfire-prone areas.

The event will be held from Wednesday 14 September to Friday 16 September at the Fairmont Resort and Spa, Leura. However, guests are welcome to attend online as part of the hybrid event.

Blue Mountains Mayor, Cr Mark Greenhill, said the event is central to developing new ideas on bushfire management that will benefit communities across Australia.

“Given the unprecedented bushfire seasons we’ve seen in Australia over the past few years, it is more important than ever that industry professionals gather to share ideas and learnings to further improve the way we plan for and implement bushfire control, design and construct buildings and recover from wildfires, while protecting our unique and vulnerable ecology,” Mayor Greenhill said.

“With a great lineup of speakers and discussion forums planned, the conference will drive transformation in fire management as well as policy and operations across Australia.”

The Australian Bushfire Building Conference has again partnered with the NSW Rural Fire Service for the event.

NSW Rural Fire Service spokesperson, Director Built & Natural Environment, Assistant Commissioner Mathew Smith said it’s important that all professionals involved in bushfire safety attend the event.

“Over the years, the issue of preparing for, mitigating and building to prevent risk of bushfire has become more complex. Our best approach is to plan ahead and use the power of knowledge from many to ensure we are building communities that consider bush fire safety requirements, ecology and good practice around design and construction,” Assistant Commissioner Smith said.

TBA Firefly General Manager, Lesley Mitchell said “TBA Firefly are proud to be returning as the Platinum Sponsor for the event. We are always excited to be part of such a significant event within the bushfire industry.”

“The conference provides the perfect opportunity to network with other industry professionals and share key industry insights and we look forward to seeing everyone in person again this year,” Mr Mitchell said.

TBA Firefly™ have come onboard as Platinum Sponsors for another year, whilst Bushfire Roller Shutters have secured Gold Sponsorship and XFerno are Silver Sponsors.

Key dates & locations:

• The 2022 Australian Bushfire Building Conference will be held on 14 – 16 September 2022 at Fairmont Resort & Spa Blue Mountains, Leura.

• Registration is $735 for the full two-day conference and networking dinner or $275 for virtual attendance. Delegates are encouraged to attend to network with like-minded professionals, take part in important discussions, contribute to the economic growth of a bushfire impacted region.

For more information and to book your tickets visit www.bushfireconference.com.au

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