Getting ready to reconnect

Remember the Sunday roast dinner? It's back - as we all try to reconnect. Seniors Today would love to see your pictures if you hold one of these events.

Queensland is gearing up to enjoy the second annual Queensland Seniors Month. From humble beginnings sixty-two years ago, this statewide celebration has outgrown its nine-day week and has become a month-long event.

Connecting Queenslanders through inclusive events and activities, Seniors Month will bring people of all ages, cultures, and abilities together within their community, uniting them through shared interests and passions. It also provides a great opportunity to discover new programs and activities, and support services.

Beginning on Saturday 1 October, the United Nations International Day of Older Persons Queensland’s Seniors Month will include National Grandparents Day, on 30 October before ending on 31 October 2022.

“Our continued theme of Social Connections remains incredibly relevant as these connections are essential at any age.” said COTA Queensland’s Seniors Month Coordinator Lisa Hodgkinson.

“Even with the uncertainty of the COVID pandemic, older Queenslanders have found diverse ways to build and maintain social connections.

“This year we are proud to announce that the Queensland Government is supporting 108 events and activities, sharing in $100,000.

“Last year saw over 13,000 and we are anticipating a few hundred of these events to be held in the Brisbane region including activities such as yoga, aqua aerobics, arts and craft workshops, cinema days, information displays, dances and more.”

“Thinking about the activities that connect us food is at the top of the list. This year we are inviting people to come together, raising a fork with one and other to create Queensland’s Largest Sunday Roast. To be held on 16 October 2022, the largest Sunday Roast invite you to sit down with your older family, friends and neighbours to enjoy a Sunday together. On the same day.

Think Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea but with a Sunday Roast, and instead of raising money for important research Lisa said they want to raise the social connectedness of Queensland communities.

Imagine gathering Queensland households near and far with people of all ages to sit down to a big meal, reconnecting after a long week. The wonderful thing about food is that it has the ability to surpass physical and language barriers, allowing us to share our stories of life, culture, and creativity. Making the Sunday roast perfect opportunity to assist in socially connecting people.

“Did you know that one in three seniors and one in two teenagers have reported feeling lonely?” Lisa said.

“There are over 880,000 people aged 65+ and more than 686,000 teenagers in Queensland? That’s a lot of people who may be feeling lonely and socially disconnected.

“Feeling socially connected makes us feel good, provides great health benefits, and can improve our quality of life. Can you imagine all the stories we could share together?

“Best of all you can host your Sunday Roast any way you like. It could be at home with family and friends, at your local park with your community, or at a participating restaurant.

“The only way for us to know if we are making an impact to is measure your interest and participation.”

She said to find out more about Seniors Month, Queensland’s Largest Sunday Roast and to find events near you, visit or phone 1300 738 348 (within Queensland) or 07 3316 2999 interstate.

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