Ready for Seniors Month

Catching up for a cuppa. Member for Rockhampton Barry O'Rourke catches up with Nell Healy for a chat.

By Barry O’Rourke MP Member for Rockhampton

This year celebrations for Seniors Month will be held from 1- 31 October 2022, with the theme of Social Connections.

During the month people of all ages, cultures, and abilities will connect through inclusive events and activities, celebrating the important and essential roles older people play in our communities. In short, it’s going to be a connect fest!

Beginning on the United Nations International Day of Older Persons (1 October) and including the celebration of National Grandparents Day on Sunday 30 October 2022.

Seniors Month provides opportunities to promote positive community attitudes towards older people and ageing, facilitate community participation, and enhance community connections, aligning with the Queensland Government’s and Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland’s vision of building Age-friendly communities in Queensland.

The five objectives of Queensland Seniors Month 2022 are:

1. Connect older Queenslanders to inclusive events and activities by producing culturally inclusive, multigenerational or lifestyle events/activities for Queenslanders in their communities.

2. Create opportunities for older Queenslanders to continue to participate in activities beyond Queensland Seniors Month.

3. Challenge ageist attitudes and reframe the conversation around ageing.

4. Enable older Queenslanders to live active and healthy lives with improved physical and mental wellbeing.

5. Enhance opportunities for older Queenslanders to continue to learn through community education, lifelong learning, and digital literacy.

To stay connected with what’s on this year visit the Queensland Seniors Month website often for news and updates, and to register and find events near you.

Get social and follow Queensland Seniors Month on facebook, twitter and Instagram.

To find out about information and services for seniors, visit

We value the contribution older people have made – whether as volunteers or in the workforce, community leaders or carers, grandparents, or advocates.

So, visit and enjoy catching up at this year’s 2022 Seniors Month.

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