Strumming up a storm

Cynthia Drane and Rhonda Daniels in action.

U3A (University of the Third Age) offers many and varied activities to promote fitness and learning for everyone into their retirement years… their Third Age!

But perhaps the most joyous and fun activity offered at U3A Rockhampton and District is the Ukulele Group which meets weekly on Wednesday afternoons at 1.30pm at Fred Fox Hall on Gladstone Road, Rockhampton.

Led by coordinator Barry Lloyd, the band of players are a popular act invited to appear at local events such as at Fitzroy by Teman for a recent, fun ‘Happy Hippies’ afternoon, and at a morning tea at Bethany Aged Care Facility.

In their colourful Hawaiian costumes and with their great performances, they delight their audiences on every level.

At the last general meeting of U3A Rockhampton on 2 August, the Ukulele Group performed for fellow gathered members, and they had toes tapping and smiles all round from their very appreciative audience.

A general meeting of U3A Rockhampton and District is held on the first Tuesday of each month at the Frenchville Sports Club, 105 Clifton St North Rockhampton at 9am for a 9:20am start. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Ukulele is just one of the many fun and informative activities offered by U3A Rockhampton and District… check out their website: or their Facebook page for more information, or phone president, Cheryl Wickes on 0428 452 836.

Why not come along and see what U3A offers people who have retired from full-time work but not from living an active, fun and fulfilling lifestyle.

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