Council launches new service

Listen to the latest news from Brisbane City Council.

Brisbane City Council has launched an audio version of the Council’s newsletter.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner said Living in Brisbane Live! would help even more residents stay across what is happening in Brisbane.

“From important information about Council projects and services to the latest about all the great events occurring in our suburbs, Living in Brisbane has always been a simple and easy way of staying informed,” Cr Schrinner.

“However, we recognise that not everyone has the time or is able to read the printed version.

“In response, we are launching Living in Brisbane Live!, an audio version of the newsletter to coincide with each edition.

“Whether you’re vision impaired or just want to keep up-to-date while driving to work in the car, Living in Brisbane Live! is a great example of how Council continues to make its services even better for residents.”

Cr Schrinner said Living in Brisbane Live! was given the green light through a Better Brisbane Proposal, which encourages ideas that solve problems or addresses an opportunity for Brisbane.

“Since releasing Council’s A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029, we’ve invested nearly $300 million making Brisbane more accessible and inclusive,” he said.

“At the same time, the Better Brisbane program has led to great opportunities to collaborate on projects that help make Brisbane better.

“Residents want to hear more about what Council is doing as well as all the great things to see and do.

“Audiobooks are also becoming increasingly popular with 900,000 e-audiobooks downloaded through Brisbane’s libraries last financial year.”

Vision Australia’s Chris Edwards welcomed the initiative.

“People who are blind or have low vision have the right to access the same information as the wider community so they can equally participate in society,” he said.

“Making written information available in alternative formats such as audio is one of the many ways organisations can increase accessibility and inclusion.

“It’s estimated one in five Australians live with a disability, so not only are organisations doing the right thing by making their information accessible, they’re also giving themselves the best chance of reaching the widest audience.”

Leading Australian voiceover artist Sharyn Doolan said she was looking forward to being the voice behind Living in Brisbane Live!.

“We’re making it easy to catch up with all the amazing things Council does, just by listening,” Ms Doolan said.

“I’m excited to tell the stories of our incredible city and there’s a lot happening.

The audio book is launching for an initial pilot for six months with the first audiobook issue of Living in Brisbane will be available to download from in early October.

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