Springsure pool facilities improving

Springsure pool as at April 2022.

Springsure Aquatic Centre is preparing for a major upgrade next year.

Central Highlands Regional Council has received $5M from the Queensland Government’s Resources Community Infrastructure Fund to fund the renovations.

After working with the Springsure Community Reference Group (CRG), residents and councillors, the council proposed a new 17-metre covered and heated program pool as well as the total replacement of the existing 25-metre pool.

Central Highlands Mayor Kerry Hayes said this is a major win for enhancing liveability in the region.

“The Central Highlands has a number of high-quality aquatic centres and now its Springsure’s turn for an upgrade,” he said.

Council had budgeted $2M this financial year to renovate the Springsure Aquatic Centre.

“With this additional funding, we can provide Springsure with more than a band-aid renovation but an entirely new facility that will last upwards of 50 years.”

The new program pool will prolong swimming seasons and allow for an additional swimming lesson semester. The program pool will also include an entrance for disabled patrons.

This facility will meet the needs of the area demographic and bring the Springsure community together to enjoy water recreation.

Preliminary plans are currently underway for the new facility, with construction set to begin following receipt of a successful tender and a forecast build schedule of two years.

The Resources Community Infrastructure Fund is a voluntary partnership between the Queensland Government and the resources industry that seeks to support infrastructure that is in addition to existing planned State and resource company-funded community infrastructure.

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