Smart Arts wish granted

Gladstone artists have a new way to apply for for a Regional Arts Development Funding.

Artists and creatives have a new way to apply for a Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) grant

with the application process moving to the SmartyGrants system.

Gladstone Region Councillor and RADF chair Glenn Churchill said SmartyGrants is Australia’s mostused funding administration system with more than 500 funder organisations using its software.

“RADF applications can now be submitted via SmartyGrants alongside other Council funding

opportunities so that people can look and apply in the one place,” Councillor Churchill said.

“Expressions of interest for RADF 2023 Round one funding opened on Monday 23 January ahead of the

application window which opened on Friday 10 February, closing at 5pm on Friday 24 March.

“If an artist or creative hasn’t previously used the SmartyGrants system and need assistance, the

friendly team at Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum will be more than happy to help.”

Cr Churchill said that applications are invited for short-term projects in the following categories:

 Developing Regional Skills

 Building Community Cultural Capacity

 Regional Partnerships

 Cultural Tourism

 Concept Development

 Contemporary Collections/Stories.

“RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to support diversity

and inclusivity,” he said.

“It also helps to grow stronger regions and provides training, education and employment

opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities.”

RADF 2023 – Round 1 information

Expressions of interest: Opened 23 January 2023, Closes 3 February 2023

Applications: Open 10 February 2023, Close 24 March 2023

Assessment of Applications: 13 April 2023.

Visit to submit an EOI and/or RADF application.

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