New look for Caloundra

Zak Standel, Brett Murray, Cr Terry Landsberg, Steven Bordonaro, Mark Chapman and Terry Hannah outside the new artwork at 77 Bulcock Street.

A popular and picturesque beachside town has received a refreshing new look, thanks to a passionate team of business and community groups.

After a year of consultation and extensive research, Caloundra now has a vibrant and welcoming new brand to help promote the town as the ideal place to live, work and play.

New street banners are flying from the poles along Bulcock Street with a contemporary colour pallet emphasising a retro-flavour inspired by the sun, sea and nature.

An impressive mural-like artwork, implemented by Caloundra local artist Steven Bordonaro, has brought the exterior of Council’s customer service centre at 77 Bulcock Street to life with an image of iconic Bulcock Beach.

The new brand embraces the use of a winky face and ‘un’ words to capture many of Caloundra’s “unique, fun, unforgettable and stunning” qualities, including its pristine beaches and friendly locals.

Sunshine Coast Division Two Councillor Terry Landsberg said the fresh and friendly new brand ignites pride and connection into the town.

“A lot of love and labour has gone into developing a brand strategy which redefines Caloundra’s unique personality and builds on our town’s proud history,” Cr Landsberg said.

“It was also important to unify the brand with the exciting work underway as part of the Caloundra Centre Master Plan and precinct-based projects such as the Destination Centre and Community and Creative Hub.

“This brand has been created for the community, by the community and was a key activation project of the Downtown Caloundra Taskforce which is made up of local business and community members.”

Local business owner and Caloundra Ambassador Kim McCosker said it was a privilege to be involved in the rebranding and be part of a united group of Caloundra champions.

“I’m delighted to see Caloundra’s new personality come to life as positive, happy, human and unpretentious,” Ms McCosker said.

“The success of the new brand relies on the uptake by our businesses, community and passionate locals.

“I encourage everyone to adopt and promote the new look with pride and passion, because if we’re proud of it, then so will our grandchildren, and the generations to come.”

A new state-of-the-art district library and vibrant creative community hub will create a wonderful centrepiece for locals to enjoy, help lift investment confidence and establish Caloundra as a business and cultural community heart.

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