The team that makes it feel like home

The team.

For those who enjoy the hospitality at the community owned Boronia Cottage on Bribie Island, the cottage is more than a respite facility.

With its spacious living areas and light and airy bedrooms with all-ability ensuite bathrooms, it is the staff that truly makes it ‘Home away from home’.

“If I can make a client smile and laugh and make their day better, I have bought sunshine to someone who needs it,” says Boronia Cottage Manager, Nikki.

The mum of two has worked in the Health and Aged Care sectors for over 28 years. ‘Work fills a large part of your life; to be great at what you do, you must love what you do. And I love being part of the team at the Cottage.”

Her crew of support workers are equally dedicated. Marcelle, who made Queensland her home in 2000, is passionate about her customers, especially those with dementia. “There is still joy to be had if dementia is in your life,” says Marcelle.

Leanne recently celebrated 10 years with Suncare. The quote she lives by is “Never judge… just be kind to everybody” and this she does every day. Leanne enjoys providing guidance and support to the newer and younger staff.

Bribie Island is a naturally beautiful location surrounded by pristine coastline. And it is home for Danielle. “The fact that I come to work each day and feel like I have walked in the front door of home is something I am so grateful for. The clients become part of your extended family and the fact that I am lucky enough to spend quality time getting to know them is very special to me.”

The youngest in the team is Emily. “Connecting with our customers is really rewarding and I am learning so much about the Aged Care sector.” And Bribie Island is perfect for her love of water sports too!

With such a dedicated team, who all love what they do and start each day wanting to make a difference in their customers’ lives, it is clear to see why Boronia Cottage is fondly known by all who visit it as ‘home away from home’. The Cottage is owned by the Bribie-Moreton Hospice Health Services Inc and is supported by the wonderful community of Bribie Island.

For more information Boronia Cottage, please contact Suncare on 1800 786 227

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