Here’s to life, here’s to dancing

Ready to dance.

Time to get the dancing shoes on with Here’s to Life announcing Disability Holiday Workshops to be held during January.

Here’s To Life Manager Sue Harvey and head Dance Instructor Renee Allotta said the workshops would provide an opportunity to take part in carefully designed and

structured programs conducted in a bright, friendly and colourful atmosphere by

fun, highly qualified instructors with many years’ experience.

“If you’re looking for opportunities to keep you and your clients busy during the holiday season, Here’s to Life have provided you with the perfect activities,” Sue explained

“No one is considered unable to take part, and all participants are actively assisted and encouraged to grow their abilities.”

And the exciting part says Renee is that they do.

“The variety of programs available are amazing, valuable, fun exercise, building self confidence and self esteem and improving coordination and cognition through numerous forms of Dance including Dancercise, Tap Dancing, Expressive Dance, Drumming/percussion, Drama/Acting, Yoga Therapy, Singing/Karaoke, Art/Art Therapy/Craft, laughter and learning,” Renee explained.

“All these activities can easily be adapted to meet the unique needs of participants and can be fun, engaging and enjoyable for all involved.”

“Being a not for profit organisation the Disability workshops would not be possible without the financial support from the Redlands City Council and a huge thank you is extended to the Council,” Sue added.

Disability Workshops will be held from Monday 8 – Friday 12 January 2024 (9.15am – 4.15pm Daily)

Redlands Memorial Hall, Smith St, Cleveland

For more details phone Sue 0407 154 993 or Renee 0413 178 646. Bookings can be directed to Check out our website

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