Jamieson retires

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson. 371852_06

Sunshine Coast Mayor and Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) President Mark Jamieson has announced that he will call time on his career in local government in March 2024, after 12 years of service to Sunshine Coast Council and more than seven years as President of the LGAQ.

LGAQ chief executive officer Alison Smith thanked Mayor Jamieson for his outstanding service to his community and the Queensland local government sector.

“On behalf of Queensland’s 77 councils, I’d like to thank Mayor Jamieson for his stewardship of the LGAQ and his commitment to its members and their communities,” Ms Smith said.

“No-one is more committed to their communities than local councillors, and Mayor Jamieson’s achievements in office are testament to that.

“Mayor Jamieson’s leadership has helped reinforce local councils as the level of government closest to their communities, at the same time as ensuring the LGAQ is heard and listened to in the corridors of power.

“He helped spearhead significant campaigns to improve accountability inside the Crime and Corruption Commission, he helped highlight the unworkable and damaging councillor conduct provisions that needed to be reformed, made sure communities and councils were heard during the Covid response and natural disasters, and sounded the alarm on the housing crisis.

“During his time as President, he has led LGAQ delegations to all corners of the state and the nation, which have provided valuable on-the-ground learnings from members and communities, as well as fighting tenaciously for the fair and firm funding all Queensland communities deserve to enhance liveability.”

Under the terms of the LGAQ Constitution, Mayor Jamieson will complete his tenure as President of the LGAQ 90 days after the 16 March 2024 elections.

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