Historical village to visit or volunteer

A great place to visit.

Port Curtis Historical Society Inc operates Calliope River Historical Village which is a large open-air Historical Display housing multiple cottages, Museums, collections of artefacts, memorabilia and several vehicles of antique significance.

The Historical Village is situated on the Bruce Highway just north of Calliope township and has been operating since the early 1980’s with a moderate entry fee of $5 per person.

The Historical Village operates 364 days a year inviting tourists from locally and further afield to tour the complex. Multiple groups of school students also learn through guided tours of the Village. Now in 2024 volunteers are excited to soon welcome tourists from visiting Cruise Ships which will be stopping ashore in the fair city Port of Gladstone.

The Village staff and members are aware that they are custodians of a valuable and eclectic collection of memorabilia from yesteryear. Travellers from all over the world take away a new awareness of our country and especially the Central Queensland area after visiting, chatting and strolling through the many displays. Aside from the self-guided walking tours Calliope River Historical Village offers tasty and very popular Devonshire Teas and light refreshments in their small kiosk.

The volunteers are very proud of presenting one of the largest Country Style Markets in CQ. Please jump online at www.callioperiverhistoricalvillage.com to check out details for sites. You’ll also see that wedding venue hire is available for a country style wedding reception.

As the Village is so well situated on the Bruce Highway, visitor information is a commodity sought by tourists daily and curiosity brings them in. The Historical Village always welcomes new volunteers and invites membership to join the friendly team. People of any demographic are welcome with all training provided in several areas and trainees gain confidence in the tourism area through public interaction.

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