Celebrating a major milestone

The 20th anniversary cocktail party.

Aveo’s Peregian Springs Country Club celebrated its 20th anniversary with a cocktail party at the Manor attended by 185 guests late last month.

One of its first residents of the country club, Trish Kelly, said there was still nowhere else she would rather live.

After two decades, Trish Kelly remains keenly involved in the retirement living community and is a keeper of its history.

Trish and her late husband Brian had been living on acreage at nearby Doonan but decided to downsize when their large house and property became too difficult to maintain.

“In 2003 we were considering buying a block of land at Peregian to build a small house when we noticed the Country Club under construction,’’ she said.

“We pulled up outside and the sales lady took us on her golf buggy to view the stage one villas. “We looked at the beautifully finished homes, gardens and realised there was nothing else for us to do except move in, so we put down a deposit.

“When we moved in there were fewer than 20 villas. We formed wonderful friendships with those original residents and our circle grew as the Country Club’s next stages were developed. “We watched with anticipation as The Manor building was constructed. It opened in 2005 and continues to be the hub of community life where much of our social activities take place.’’

Trish says the community is the perfect home.

“The adjoining Peregian Springs Golf Club was a major attraction for Brian while I love being a five-minute drive to the beach where I still walk every day.

“There are so many caring people who live here and they supported me when I lost Brian last October. It’s the most wonderful place to live.’’

Aveo Peregian Springs Country Club Assistant Community Manager, Lisa Morrison, said the many changes over 20 years had created a vibrant retirement community that was now home to 300 residents.

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