Building Connections and Empowering Women on the Sunshine Coast

Better Together. (Supplied).

Better Together Housing is excited to be offering gattherings and information sessions across the Sunshine Coast.

The program is designed to bring women together, fostering a sense of belonging and connection.

The Better Together Housing program focuses on empowering women to find shared living solutions that suit their needs and lifestyles.

Through regular in-person gatherings and an online platform that serves as a hub for connection and resources, they believe they are creating opportunities for women to build meaningful relationships and explore housing possibilities together.

They say the beauty of this initiative lies in its flexibility and support. Women have the freedom to discover shared housing options, all while being supported by a community of like-minded individuals.

Whether the person has a home to share, are seeking one, or simply want to learn more, the gatherings and online resources offer a safe, empowering environment to explore options.

It’s important to note that they do not provide housing. Instead, they facilitate connections, allowing participants to collaborate and create their own solutions. Join them in building a community where women feel supported, connected, and truly better together.

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