Buderim Foundation continues support

Buderim Foundation's David Wood, Rod McKinnon with SunnyKids CEO Kathleen Hope and BF's Susi Du Toit. (Supplied).

The Buderim Foundation Thompson Charitable Fund is proud to again be supporting SunnyKids Ltd with a $66,500 grant to help provide support for vulnerable Sunshine Coast families. Buderim Foundation chair Rod McKinnon said SunnyKids provides vital support for Sunshine Coast families in need of a helping hand on the Sunshine Coast.

“Particularly in the current economic climate, the Buderim Foundation’s Thompson Charitable Fund is pleased to be able to support SunnyKids and the work they do in providing emergency food, accommodation and other support,” Rod McKinnon said.

“This is this fourth grant we have provided to SunnyKids, bringing the total support given to $191,880.”

The Buderim Foundation has been the Trustee for the Thompson Charitable Fund since April 2021.

Over the past three years, a rolling grants program has provided over $715,000 to support people experiencing homelessness and financial distress on the Sunshine Coast.

The Fund was established by philanthropists Roy and Nola Thompson.

SunnyKids CEO Kathleen Hope said SunnyKids provides connections and support for vulnerable Sunshine Coast families focusing on providing complex case management, including long-term capacity-building and emotional support.

“With this grant, we will be able to continue to provide vital support for families and individuals, often experiencing the worst times in their lives,” she said.

“We will use the grant to provide temporary emergency accommodation, grocery and fuel cards, assist with bills for vital services including utilities, household expenses and essential car repairs,” Ms Hope said.

“This grant from the Buderim Foundation’s Thompson Charitable Fund is fantastic and will allow us to continue to provide some immediate relief to alleviate economic and housing stresses experienced by our clients.

“Last year, SunnyKids experienced more requests for support than ever before. We were able to help 2,767 vulnerable individuals within families.

“Unfortunately, our waiting list continues to grow. These funds allow us to provide support to even more families in our pursuit to end hardship right here on the Sunshine Coast,” Ms Hope said.

The Buderim Foundation is a philanthropic organisation which harnesses the power of giving by generating income from donations and bequests and providing grants for worthwhile community projects.

In addition to the Thompson Charitable Fund, the Buderim Foundation runs a separate Community Grants Program supporting projects benefiting the local Buderim area.

To find out more about the Buderim Foundation Thompson Charitable Fund visit buderimfoundation.org.au/grants/the-buderim-foundation-thompson-fund/. For more information, about SunnyKids Ltd, visit sunnykids.org.au/ and for more information about the Buderim Foundation visit buderimfoundation.org.au.

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